The Essential Facts of Backgammon Strategies – Part One


Posted by Darien | Posted in Backgammon | Posted on 18-05-2007

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The objective of a Backgammon game is to move your checkers around the game board and pull those pieces off the game board quicker than your opposing player who works just as hard to achieve the same buthowever they move in the opposite direction. Winning a round of Backgammon requires both strategy and good luck. How far you will be able to move your pieces is up to the numbers from tossing the dices, and just how you shift your chips are determined by your overall playing tactics. Enthusiasts use different tactics in the different parts of a game based on your positions and opponent’s.

The Running Game Tactic

The goal of the Running Game tactic is to entice all your pieces into your home board and get them off as quickly as you can. This tactic concentrates on the speed of shifting your pieces with little or no efforts to hit or stop your competitor’s checkers. The ideal time to use this technique is when you believe you can shift your own checkers quicker than your opposition does: when 1) you have a fewer pieces on the board; 2) all your pieces have moved beyond your opponent’s chips; or 3) the opposing player does not use the hitting or blocking technique.

The Blocking Game Strategy

The main goal of the blocking strategy, by the name, is to stop your competitor’s chips, temporarily, while not fretting about moving your pieces rapidly. Once you’ve created the blockade for the opponent’s movement with a couple of pieces, you can shift your other pieces rapidly from the game board. The player really should also have a apparent plan when to extract and move the pieces that you used for the blockade. The game becomes interesting when your opponent utilizes the same blocking tactic.

Backgammon – 3 General Techniques


Posted by Darien | Posted in Backgammon | Posted on 06-05-2007

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In astonishingly general terms, there are three general game plans used. You want to be able to switch techniques instantly as the course of the match unfolds.

The Blockade

This is comprised of building a 6-deep wall of pieces, or at least as deep as you can manage, to lock in your competitor’s checkers that are on your 1-point. This is judged to be the most acceptable course of action at the begining of the game. You can assemble the wall anyplace within your 11-point and your 2-point and then move it into your home board as the match progresses.

The Blitz

This is composed of locking your home board as quick as as you can while keeping your opponent on the bar. For example, if your competitor rolls an early 2 and shifts one checker from your 1-point to your three-point and you then roll a 5-5, you will be able to play 6/1 6/1 8/3 eight/three. Your opponent is now in big-time dire straits since they have 2 pieces on the bar and you have closed half your inside board!

The Backgame

This course of action is where you have 2 or higher anchors in your opponent’s home board. (An anchor spot is a point consisting of at least 2 of your checkers.) It would be employed when you are significantly behind as it greatly improves your circumstances. The better areas for anchor spots are near your opponent’s lower points and either on abutting points or with a single point in between. Timing is critical for an competent backgame: after all, there is no point having two nice anchor spots and a solid wall in your own home board if you are then required to break apart this right away, while your challenger is shifting their pieces home, seeing that you do not have other additional checkers to shift! In this case, it is better to have pieces on the bar so that you might preserve your position up till your opposer provides you a opportunity to hit, so it will be a excellent idea to attempt and get your opposerto get them in this situation!

The Background of Backgammon – Today and Before


Posted by Darien | Posted in Backgammon | Posted on 02-05-2007

Backgammon is the oldest game in history. It has been known as the "wee battle," backgammon began in ancient middle east almost 5 millennia ago. In any case, Egyptians referred to backgammon as "Senat," which was a close style of the present game enjoyed at this time. Hundreds of years ago, just men and women in power, the ruling figures of aristocracy like Egyptian queens, were allowed to enjoy. The game began to grow around the globe over time. Distinctive Backgammon versions have been developed in various regions and cultures, but the basic regulations of those variants appear those of the antiquated form . For example, Greece grabbed ahold of the sport and called it by the title "bac gamen." From there, the English adopted backgammon in the 1600’s and have stuck with it ever since. Backgammon and other old games were never acknowledged by a good many churches. The religious felt that the game was the tool of the Devil. This led clergy to ban and destroy the game. The banishment and destroying did not prevent individuals competing games and having fun.

Computers give a brand-new platform for Backgammon. When assorted video machines are sold all over the place, computer scientists in Artificial Intelligence (AI) use Backgammon for researching, developing and testing AI theories and algorithms because of the ease of game principles and complexity of plans.

With the embracing of the world wide web, backgammon has developed to an entirely new level. Quite a few may not know that web Backgammon is almost certainly installed on most of computers that run MS Windows operating systems by default under "Games" menu option. Online Backgammon connects tens of thousands of individuals throughout the world. Once you join a online game site, you can enjoy Backgammon against a computer, or against a actual person. Casino webpages have been hosting Backgammon tournaments consistently. You can enjoy Backgammon for enjoyment, or for money. There are countless of groups devoted to web backgammon, as well as exclusive game software that you can get to bet opposed to other players. People love Backgammon for the fact that it’s simple yet in the end, calls for a bit of alertness and expertise.